Commercial Real Estate Photography

Capturing The Modern Work Environment

Commercial Real Estate Photography can be a tricky form of Architectural Photography. The purpose is typically to showcase not only the aesthetic of the space but it’s volume as well. Prospective tenants want to see both workability and livability in a potential location. For instance, 24 hour gyms, showers, cafés and arcades have become common amenities offered in modern office spaces. In short, it is my job to highlight their fusion into the work environment and channel this visually. 

Beautiful Architectural Interiors Photography
An open and airy lobby connects with a lovely Café giving tenants a comfortable space for casual meet and greets.
The idea of the traditional workspace has been significantly transformed.

Built for comfort AND speed

I produced the photography above for a client of mine in the Commercial Real Estate space, Cushman & Wakefield. Del Mar Gateway, a 20 year old 165,000 SF class A office building, has 5,000 SF of space available. My aim was to showcase the recently upgraded Lobby, Café, Fitness Center and Patio for prospective tenants. In addition, my idea was to convey the sense  of utility and practicality the new layout may rouse in us. There’s no mystery when it comes to the correlation between comfort and productivity in the work environment. Therefore, it is critical that I accurately represent the integration of these amenities using my photography.

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